For students and interns
I used to be a team leader at SenseTime, where I gain a solid experience on working with full-time researchers and young students.
Opening research directions (although listed as different topics here, we always try to solve key problems in various fields through some common principles and techniques, for example, by investigating self-supervised learning, probabilistic inference or the general principle of information compression):
(1) Neural data compression: efficient and effective model design, Neural sandwiched/augmented x264/5
(2) Neural data compression: principled approaches and theoretical aspects, information theory
(3) Generative model: from theory to application
(4) Autonomous driving: perception, prediction, planning, V2X, etc
(5) Self-supervised learning and white-box neural network design inspired by compression
(6) AI + (safety) Science. I keep close collaboration with School of Safety Science, Tsinghua University
We have Postdoc and PhD positions (supervised by Prof. Ya-Qin Zhang), feel free to contact me by
ps: 我们会优先从有合作经历、互相了解的学生中选择博士生,如果可能,尽量提前来实习~